Setting up a Bot Account

  1. Go to the Discord Developers Portal.
  2. Click on the New Application button, enter your desired bot name, and click Create.
  3. In your new application, go to the Bot tab, click Add Bot, and confirm Yes, do it!
  4. Change your bot's Public Bot setting off so only you can invite it, save, and then get your Bot Token with the Copy button.

    Note: DO NOT post your bot token anywhere public. If you do it can and will be compromised.

  5. Save your Bot Token somewhere safe to use in the project settings later.
  6. In the General Information tab, grab the Client ID.
  7. Replace <CLIENT_ID_HERE> in the following URL and visit it in the browser to invite your bot to your new test server.<CLIENT_ID_HERE>&permissions=8&scope=bot

Optionally, you can generate your own invite url in the OAuth tab, after selecting bot as the scope.